Core Team

Pradeep Kumar
Pradeep kumar is the person behind the vision of providing quality education to the students of the Sanjay colony. He himself suffered from the lack of qualitative education, after graduating from 12th grade, he did not know how to speak in English and faced difficulty while presenting himself in front of a group of people. So, he joined an NGO called Manzil, with the help of Manzil, he learned English and went on to work in the tourism industry. He also got the opportunity to study in the United States through the Community College Initiative Program scholarship, funded by the U.S Department of State. With all his learning, he aspires to help others, and the result is Learning by Locals. Pradeep is co- ounder and president.

Lalit Saini

Alka Sharma

Deepak Ram

Ravi Gulati
Ravi bhaiya is our mentor and co-founder of Manzil welfare socity.

Ronita Choudhuri

Sanjeev Nangia


He is mentoring and support us in several way